Latest Armyworm Forecast (June 2022)
Fall Armyworm (FAW) (Spodoptera frugiperda): FAW infestations continued affecting maize and other cereal crops in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania, where control operations were launched by the affected farmers with assistance from their respective line Ministries.
African Armyworm (AAW) (Spodoptera exempta): AAW outbreaks were reported in Ethiopia and Kenya control operations were carried out by the affected farmerswith assistance from the MoAs.
Current situation
Fall armyworm (FAW)
FAW infestations were reported in 23 zones and 111 districts of Oromia, SNNPR, and Southwestern and Gambella Administrative regions in Ethiopia. The pest was reported affecting 117,817 ha of maize crop. Control operations were carried out on 66,441 ha – 14,306 with pesticides and 52,104 ha with cultural means. FAW was also reported causing damage to maize crop in Western, Rift Valley and Central regions in Kenya. In Malawi, mild infestations of the pest were reported in irrigated maize across the country, and affected farmers carried out control with material and technical support from the Ministries of Agriculture.
African Armyworm (AAW)
AAW infestations were reported in several countries. In Ethiopia, outbreaks continued in Oromia, SNNPR, Amhara, Sidama, Benishangul and Gambella administrative regions, where 37 zones and 185 districts have been affected. 265,585 ha of millet, wheat, Teff, maize and sorghum crops and grazing land were reported infested. Both cultural and chemical means of control covered an estimated 157,459 ha (76,337 cultural and 81,122 chemical). In Kenya, new outbreaks of AAW were reported in Nakuru and Samburu counties, and control operations were ongoing with the support of the PP&FSD.
Forecasts (for the next 6 weeks)
Fall armyworm (FAW)
FAW infestations will likely continue in irrigated and seasonal maize, sorghum and other cereal growing regions across sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and elsewhere during the forecast period.
African Armyworm (AAW)
With its northward migration following the ITF trajectory, AAW infestations will be gradually winding down in Kenya and southern regions of Ethiopia while it will likely begin appearing and increasing in the northerly parts of the country and perhaps southern Eritrea. Surveillance and timely preventive interventions remain critical to minimize any crop or pasture damage the pest could cause.
This forecast is published by Lancaster University’s Armyworm Network: It is an extract from the Emergency Transboundary Outbreak Pest (ETOP) situation report compiled by USAID/OFDA/PSPM. They monitor ETOPs regularly in close collaboration with their network of national PPDs/DPVs, regional and international pest monitoring and/or control entities, including FAO, CLCPRO, CRC, DLCO-EA, and IRLCO-CSA, as well as Agency partners, and NGOs and provides timely analytical bulletins and reports to stakeholders across the globe. For dated, archived ETOP SITREPs, please, go to: