
Updates from the Armyworm Network

Latest Armyworm Forecast (January 2022)


Fall Armyworm (FAW) (Spodoptera frugiperda): High to moderate infestations of FAW were reported affecting young maize in Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Control operations were carried out by the affected farmers with materials and technical assistance from the Ministries of Agriculture. Infestations were also expected to have occurred elsewhere in SSA and other countries, but updates were not received. 

African Armyworm (AAW) (Spodoptera exempta): AAW outbreaks were reported in Tanzania (Kilosa and Babati Districts) and Zimbabwe (Mashonaland Central Province). 

Current situation 

Fall armyworm (FAW

FAW infestations were reported in all the 10 Provinces of Zambia where 96,222 ha were reported affected. In Malawi, high pest infestations were reported in young maize pants in Thyolo, Mulanje and Phalombe districts of Blantyre Agriculture development Division. Moderate infestation was reported in Mashonaland East, Central, and Midlands Provinces in Zimbabwe. Affected farmers carried out control with technical and material assistance from MoA. FAW infestations were also likely to have caused mild damage to young maize in Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. 

African Armyworm (AAW

AAW outbreak was reported in Kilosa and Babati districts in Manyara region as well as Tanga, Mtwara and Lindi regions in Tanzania. The pest was reported attacking maize and sorghum and threatening pasture. Logistical support is being provided by the MoA. High infestations of AAW were also reported in Muzarabani in Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe. Line Ministries provided pesticides and technical assistance to the affected farmers to carry out control. It is to be recalled that during December moth catches were reported in Mashonaland Central and West Provinces in Zimbabwe. AAW was reported for the first time in years. 

Forecasts (for the next 6 weeks) 

Fall armyworm (FAW

FAW is likely to continue affecting rain-fed and/or irrigated maize and other crops across sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and elsewhere during the forecast period. 

African Armyworm (AAW

There is possibility of AAW outbreaks to continue attacking maize and other crops in Tanzania and Zimbabwe. 


This forecast is published by Lancaster University’s Armyworm Network: It is an extract from the Emergency Transboundary Outbreak Pest (ETOP) situation report compiled by USAID/OFDA/PSPM. They monitor ETOPs regularly in close collaboration with their network of national PPDs/DPVs, regional and international pest monitoring and/or control entities, including FAO, CLCPRO, CRC, DLCO-EA, and IRLCO-CSA, as well as Agency partners, and NGOs and provides timely analytical bulletins and reports to stakeholders across the globe. For dated, archived ETOP SITREPs, please, go to:  

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